His Majesty the king while addressing graduates said “Technology is an indispensable tool that will be necessary to realise this (smart nation) aspiration.”

A drop in the ocean towards this noble vision of His majesty the king for the country and its people. Druk Nyo Foundation in partnership with ASIA Onlus aimed at transforming the traditional classes into digital was able to support two schools with digital smart boards as part of the Digital Classroom Project.
Digital Classroom project was designed under Nyo Education Initiative and the support to these two schools is the first project under the initiative.
The project in July 2022 successfully distributed nine each interactive smart boards to Ura Central School in Bumthang and Gaserling Central School in Dagana. With this, it is expected that the learning and teaching experience will be improved with digital support with access to online resources for both teachers and students in their daily routine.

At Ura Higher Secondary School , our founding president and the chair, Sumtrhang Choeje rinpoche graced the ceremony of handing over the smart boards joined by the school principal and staff. In Gesarling Central School our Dy. Chairperson, Dungtrul Rinpoche Thinley Namgyel Wangchuk and member secretary represented the foundation for the handing over ceremony joined by chief DEO of Dagana, the principal of the school, staffs and the students.
The project is implemented in partnership with ASIA onlus based in Rome co-financed by province of Bolzano, Italy.